Thursday 13 July 2017

A Good Start .

Luckily the weather has aligned with our wishes. The sun and I bid you a warm welcome. My blog will primarily be my views on what’s happening in the news. Please feel free to add your comments to my posts. I've decided to blog about whats interesting about Computer Science, what it is all about, what does it actually do and actually mostly everything regarding the people used to call "nerd-course" or maybe "Computer Bonded course" named Computer Science.

So, for today, I would like to share some interesting facts about Computer Science course and some fake facts or "myths" that people used to set in their mind about this course.

1. Computer science salaries are more than twice the national average

Everyone wants to love their job, but when it all comes down to it, a solid paycheck is what helps pay the bills and put food on the table. If you’re interested in careers in computer science, you can have the best of both worlds.
The exciting truth is that the median annual salary for computer and information technology occupations in 2015 was $81,430, according to the BLS. That’s more than double the national average for all occupations, which was $36,200. If you want talk about it in Malaysia, it actually goes the same. 
Keep in mind that these wages reflect the mid-range salary for employees of all experience levels. Generally speaking, salaries increase with experience. So you will likely earn a lower salary upon graduating, but earning potential could reach new heights as you develop professionally.

2. Bachelor’s degree holders are eligible for more than 9 times as many computer science jobs as those with no degree

Now that you’re aware of the optimistic outlook of the computer science field, you’re probably wondering what you can do to become qualified for these positions. The truth is that a bachelor’s degree in computer science qualifies you for 9.6 times more jobs than having no degree at all!

Though some entry-level positions may accept applicants with no degree, the truth is that you’re severely limiting your career opportunities if you choose not to pursue higher education. The above statistic alone means that you missed out on nine times the opportunities available over the past year, all because you haven’t yet earned your degree!

What this means for you?  By earning a bachelor’s degree, your job opportunities skyrocket compared to those with no college experience. Furthering your education means more opportunities for you to do what you love while creating a more stable future for your family.

But what about the myth?
Let's talk about it right now.

1.All You Do Is Code in a CS Job

Bryan Clayton, the CEO of GreenPal, says his company often hires and recruits interns and new employees for software engineering, and many come in thinking they will do little more than write code. Instead, they learn that GreenPal software engineers spend an hour every day to handle customer support tickets, and are included in critical product and product design decisions. These tasks are meant to help software engineers gain a clear understanding of customers’ needs and the products they are designing.
“Software engineering isn’t all about writing lines of code. It's about making products that satisfy customers’ needs, customer service and product design,” Clayton says.

2.You’ll Always Work on the Coolest Tech Problems

Ryo Chiba, co-founder and chief operating officer of TINT , says the common portrayal of software engineering as dealing with lasers and robots is misleading. While there are some cases of software engineers working on a “splashy consumer product or innovative next-generation skunkworks project,” the norm is typically less exciting projects, Chiba says.
It’s great to be excited about the possibilities of tech, and there’s plenty of opportunities to deal with fun and exciting products, he says. However, it’s just not realistic to expect that everything you work on is going to be cutting-edge, so it’s better not to set yourself up for a letdown in that regard.

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A Good Start .

Luckily the weather has aligned with our wishes. The sun and I bid you a warm welcome. My blog will primarily be my views on what’s happen...